AIU Voices
Student Voice: Sergey Nizhnick, University of Latvia, Latvia
AIU Voices
Student Voice: Sergey Nizhnick, University of Latvia, Latvia
AIU Voices
Student Voice: Zachary Kingsbury, San Francisco State University, USA
AIU Voices
Student Voice: Dan Serbanica, University of Bucharest, Romania
AIU Voices
AIU Voices
Student Voice: Chang Ling-Erh, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
AIU Voices
AIU Voices
Student Voice: Paulius Barakunas, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
AIU Voices
Student Voice: Kimberly Cielos, University of Manitoba, Canada
AIU Voices
AIU Voices
Student Voice: Glendalee Green, State University of New York, Binghamton, USA