New Partnership with Thammasat University (Bangkok, Thailand)
国際教養大学は、新たにThammasat University (バンコク、タイ) と 学術交流提携を結びました。これをもちまして、本学の協定校数は 大学 ヵ国?地域となりました。
Thammasat University (バンコク、タイ)

Thammasat University (バンコク、タイ)
We are writing to inform you that Akita International University newly established a cooperation agreement with Thammasat University (Bangkok, Thailand). We now have 182 partner institutions in 47 countries and regions.
Thammasat University (Bangkok, Thailand)

Thammasat University (Bangkok, Thailand)
Please click here for a list of Akita International University’s Partner Institutions