2021 Online Summer Program, E-JapON is over!

At a closing ceremony
AIU’s brand new, online intensive summer program “E-JapON” came to an end last week on July 28.
Nine students from our partner universities joined the program for the past six weeks remotely from home, despite the difficulty of the time difference.
On the last day of the program, we had the closing ceremony to celebrate the students’ successful completion. During the ceremony, they shared their experiences of the program in Japanese. It was impressive to see the progress they made in such a short time and hard to believe that some of them had never learned Japanese at all before!

Ms. Zoe Shulevitz gave a speech in Japanese as a representative.
At the end of the ceremony, President Cassim gave a speech in both English and Japanese. Here is a part of his message.
?“When you learn any language, the window which through you look the world becomes a little larger. You will want to experience what you see through the window. You will go out. You will meet people. You will see the things. Your world will become so much larger because of that. To enjoy the fruits of the language you learned, please come to Japan. I believe that visiting, seeing, and experiencing things by yourself is when you give life to your learnings. Your efforts will become truly meaningful when you visit Japan. We are waiting for you to visit us. Please do come. Thank you.”

Closing remarks from President Cassim.
Congratulations to all the E-JapON students! We wish you all the best in your future Japanese Language study and hope to see you in person someday soon in Akita! ありがとう!