Program Calendar
Program Calendar
Check-in Day | Free pick-up bus from Akita Airport and Train Station (JR Akita Station) Mandatory Check-in Times Opening Ceremony and Orientation ? All participants are required to arrive at AIU by the designated time on Check-in Day, and attend the Opening Ceremony and Orientation. ? Classes begin on the following morning. |
Last Program Day | Last day of class Closing Ceremony ? All participants are required to attend the Closing Ceremony. |
Check-out Day | Bedding and Room Inspection ? Students MUST be physically present for the inspection to check out the dormitory. Mandatory Check-out Times Free Drop-off bus to Akita Airport and Train Station (JR Akita Station) |
Program Calendar is subject to change.
Program Schedule
Please refer to the schedule below.
The 2025 schedule has not yet been finalized, but please see the sample program schedule for reference.
Sample of the program schedule
Center for International Affairs
Akita International University
Yuwa, Akita-City 010-1292 Japan
Tel. +81-(0)18-886-5927, +81-(0)18-886-5937
Fax. +81-(0)18-886-5853
Email:[mail specialprograms]
Office Hours (Mon – Fri) 9:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 17:00
Tel. +81-(0)18-886-5927, +81-(0)18-886-5937
Fax. +81-(0)18-886-5853
Email:[mail specialprograms]
Office Hours (Mon – Fri) 9:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 17:00