
Accessibility Service

Due to the strict timeline for program participation, students who need academic or physical accommodations (e.g. housing arrangements), called “Reasonable Accommodations” at AIU, due to diagnosed conditions are strongly encouraged to apply for them by the program application deadline of March 10.

Please refer to the page below for further information, including how to apply. All inquiries regarding  accessibility service should be directed to the Study Support and Student Well-being Coordinator.

Reasonable Accommodations

Students who receive accommodations at their home institution are advised to apply for accessibility service at AIU as well, in case they find it necessary to continue receiving them here. Students may withdraw their application for accessibility service, or choose not to use the accommodations offered, if they find accommodations are no longer necessary.

Once students’ applications are approved, our Study Support and Well-being Coordinator will work promptly to arrange accommodations to ensure they will be offered upon students’ arrival.

Please note that the Special Program coordinators and those responsible for screening applications will not have access to any information regarding students’ accessibility service requests, so those requests will never affect screening results.

Center for International Affairs
Akita International University
Yuwa, Akita-City 010-1292 Japan
Tel. +81-(0)18-886-5927, +81-(0)18-886-5937
Fax. +81-(0)18-886-5853
Email:[mail specialprograms]
Office Hours (Mon – Fri) 9:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 17:00