Unique Curriculum System of AIU
Three Programs: Axis of Learning
Students choose whether to pursue a program in Global Business, Global Studies, or Global Connectivity, while developing an awareness of how subjects are interlinked through the process of taking Core Liberal Arts Courses. This choice determines your axis of learning, and it does not mean that you will be restricted to a particular field of specialization.

7 Clusters: Guide to Academic Disciplines
Classes of the Liberal Arts Foundation Course and Advanced Liberal Arts Course are categorized into one or more of the seven clusters, which are groups of academic fields under the three programs. Clusters help students clarify the academic disciplines that are focused on throughout a course.
7 Clusters: Guide to Academic Disciplines
B Business
E Economics
G Global Society
P Political Science and International Relations
S Sustainability Studies
H Humanity, Culture, and Communication
T Technology and Future Society
English for Academic Purposes Program: EAP
Upon entering AIU, students first learn academic English in the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program. Students gain the necessary competence in English to be able to further their learning by attending and understanding lectures at AIU, as well as the overseas university where they will study, voice their ideas, and write essays.

Foundation Courses
Develop skills on university-level learning, basic English proficiency, the global society, and career development.
Core Liberal Arts Courses
Acquire knowledge and skills throughout a wide range of disciplines, and build the foundations for the Advanced Liberal Arts Courses.

Advanced Liberal Arts Courses (ALA)
Global Business Program: GB
The spread of globalization is making corporate activities increasingly complicated and complex. In modern times, the speed of change is accelerating, and uncertainty is growing. For companies to provide valuable goods and services to society sustainably, they must accurately grasp the needs on both a regional and global scale and formulate appropriate strategies. In response, the GB program provides a broad education centered on economics and business, seeking to cultivate human resources with creativity, critical thinking, and global perspectives.

Global Studies Program: GS
Logical thinking and creative ingenuity based on a wide range of background knowledge are indispensable in surviving this era of globalization. The GS program invites students to enroll in diverse courses on the history, culture, society, politics, and economy of various countries and regions, as well as in classes of multinational and multi-regional relations, the functions and roles of international institutions and organizations, and global phenomena and issues. Students will strive to accumulate and deepen their knowledge and refine flexible thinking and analytical skills without being confined to conventional ideas and values through active participation in learning activities.

Global Connectivity Program: GC
In the Global Connectivity (GC) program, students explore both the humanities – culture, literature, and philosophy – which allows them to find meaning and values of our lives, and technologies, such as computation and AI, which are the foundation of our modern society. Collectively, this combination provides students with literacy over both advanced technology and arts; literacy that is informed by critical thinking and transdisciplinary analysis. In the GC program, students identify and explore connections between the humanities and technology and develop a holistic appreciation of their connectedness, allowing them to serve as effective bridges between these two domains in future society.

Capstone Seminar
Integration of the knowledge and skills acquired at AIU to complete a final project. Students will complete a graduation thesis on a research theme of their choice that will be the culmination of their learning at Akita International University.
Japan Studies
Japan Studies Program at AIU has three major academic objectives:
- Situate Japan and Akita in global society;
- Introduce students to the key debates about Japanese history, society and culture; and
- Strengthen critical-thinking, discussion and writing skills so that, when students are asked about Japanese history, society or culture, they can respond incisively.
With our emphasis on interdisciplinarity and interactivity, Japan Studies offers a truly unique approach.

Japanese Language Program
AIU offers 6-credit, core Japanese courses to International Students, so you can earn a total of 18 credits (36 ECTS) of core Japanese in a single year, including the Winter Program, plus take additional skill-specific courses, as well! Our small sizes, internationally experienced professors, and extracurricular activities will give you many opportunities to practice and improve your Japanese skills.