All Classes are Taught in English
We train students to think and communicate in English.
One of the outstanding features of Akita International University is that all lectures are given in
English. However, our institution is not a university to study English. It is a university to study and
think in English.
What matters is finding the field of your interest and what you want to specialize in. It is also
important to develop the ability to use your own words to spread the knowledge you have gained and act
on a global scale. English is a powerful tool.
Since its foundation in 2004, the AIU has been consistently providing small-group instruction, with the average number of students per class being around 17. This is also aimed at increasing the opportunity for students to communicate with teachers to improve their ability to think and express themselves. We also have systems to provide extensive support to each and every student, such as our academic advising system. Every time students meet our strict academic standards, their independence, proactivity, confidence and patience are improved. These are the distinctive features of our small university.
Average Number of Students per Course
Student-Faculty Ratio
Classes with Less than 20 Students
73.3 %
Classes with 50 or More Students
1.6 %
Percentage of Faculty Members with non-Japanese Nationality
56.1 %
As of Fall Semester AY2023
Academic Advising System

To encourage student’s inquisitiveness about their studies and provide support for overcoming barriers in their academic performance, AIU assigns a full-time faculty member as the advisor for each student. Students can consult their advisors on any topic related to their studies.
For example, when students make important decisions, such as their study plan, selection of course, selection of overseas university and study plan for their study abroad, and their career paths after graduation, they can consult with their advisors and continue their studies smoothly until they graduate.