AIU People
~インタビュー~Miguel SOSA講師
今回は、4月から英語集中プログラム(EAP)に着任したMiguel SOSA先生にお話を伺いました。秋田にはこの4月から住んでいますが、日本には20年住んでいらっしゃいます。趣味や日本の印象などについて、インタビューに応じてくださいました。

Miguel SOSA先生
Where are you from
I was born in Colombia, South America. Later, my family moved to Canada where I spent about ten years.
What was your major
At first, I studied music at the University of Ottawa. I then went to France to study music for a year. However, before that year was over, I decided to go back to Canada to obtain a Master’s Degree in music. A few years later, I became a student at Teacher’s College, Columbia University, to learn about teaching English to speakers of other languages.
Why did you choose AIU
I’ve been living Japan for 20 years. In that time, I became interested in working with students who want to learn about liberal arts. This is how I became interested in AIU. The fact that there are people from many countries makes this university extremely attractive to people like myself.
What is your impression of AIU
As I mentioned before, AIU enjoys an ideal location for learning. Here, people can concentrate and study. Before coming here, I lived in Tokyo, and by comparison, Akita provides a good environment to live and work. The many rice fields and nature gives me a good sense of what “quality of life” means.
What is your hobby

I love cooking and taking the photos. I cook every day. As you can see, I have many cooking books. For me, cooking is a way to experiment, learn and remember. So far, I have not tried to cook Japanese dishes. Sometime ago, when I went to Kyoto, I was so impressive about the elegance in the presentation of the food.
What are you doing on weekends
I spend a great deal of time designing the materials for my classes. After I do my work, I go out and try to see something new. On several occasions, I have taken short trips around Akita. Last time I went to Tazawako and I took many pictures of the lake under the rain.
Do you have any messages for AIU students
Be curious, be open-minded. Curiosity is the basis for every form of learning. I often tell my students that at the heart of liberal arts is learning to communicate, developing creativity and learning for life. That means, never giving up!