AIU People
インタビュー~Sean O’Reilly助教
今回は秋から国際教養学部の日本研究プログラムに所属したSean O’Reilly先生にお話を伺いました。
Where are you from
I’m from Boston, Massachusetts, on the East Coast of the United States. It’s at the same northern latitude as Sapporo!

Sean O’Reilly助教
What was your major
At Davidson College, a liberal arts college in North Carolina, I completed a double major in Philosophy and Classics (and spent a traveling semester abroad in Greece and Italy). In graduate school, I finished an M.A. in Regional Studies: East Asia before developing an interdisciplinary approach,studying Japanese history and visual culture, for the Ph.D program. I also spent 15 months in Kyoto conducting doctoral research.
Why did you choose AIU?
My two loves are Japanese history and (popular) visual culture… but it is difficult to find an academic teaching position where one can teach both! Usually, a college or university only wants one or the other. But at AIU, this interdisciplinary approach was welcomed, and I was encouraged to teach both subjects. Plus, I like living in Japan, especially places like Akita, having lived in Boston and Toyama.
What was your impression of AIU
Around the time I first applied here, I asked my Japanese friends if they’d heard of AIU. I assumed they would say no, since I knew it was a very new university, but to my surprise, they all had heard of it (and heard good things, too). When I came here, I was immediately impressed with the unique atmosphere: it’s a truly global liberal arts college, where students from all over the world share ideas!
What are your hobbies
Too many to count! Biking, tennis, chess, reading and reviewing science fiction and fantasy novels, watching movies, cooking, playing empire-building video games (shhh?don’t tell anyone!), writing poetry, traveling in Japan and around the world, photography, and more.
Perhaps my favorite hobby, however, is singing?I’m a (high) tenor, and enjoy singing karaoke as well as in choirs, as a soloist, in a cappella groups and in pretty much every other configuration! I’ve sung in a cappella groups for a combined total of over seven years, in both all-male and co-ed groups.

Do you have any messages for AIU students
Do you know how special this place is I’ve seen (and attended) many colleges and universities, but I don’t think I’ve ever found such an interesting mix of people from all over the world, and the fascinating discussions that develop from this meeting of minds. Someday, I hope to talk to you too!