









1.24時間リベラルアーツ教育の推進 学びあう文化の確立と深化


2.世界標準カリキュラム 世界標準に向けた科目調整?科目整備


3.日本の英語教育を改革 英語教育における知見の還元


4.国際ベンチマーキング 本学の相対?客観的分析




Akita International University was selected for the Top Global University Project as a Type B funding recipient. Created by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), the fund was proposed by the Education Rebuilding Council, a governmental advisory board, which aims to increase international viability and competitiveness of Japanese universities. The project provides focused support in two categories, to top-level universities with a world-wide appeal (Type A: “Top University” Category) and to universities that promote internationalization in Japanese society (Type B: “Globalization Driver” Category). In reference to the latter category, 24 universities have been selected to promote globalization in Japan.

Name of project: Japan’s World-Class Liberal Arts University

Since its foundation in 2004, AIU has been taking innovative measures such as offering all classes in English, making one-year study abroad mandatory, and requiring all 1st-year students to live on campus. In addition, AIU will undertake four new projects to promote improvement of the environment to strive further to become a world-class liberal arts college.


Promotion of around-the-clock liberal arts education

student_hallIn AY2014, AIU recruited students who sought to move into the subject-based houses; educational programs at the houses will start from AY2015. New students will be recruited every semester, and possible program modifications based on the result of surveys and evaluation to improve the operation of the houses will be examined each semester. By AY2020, student led autonomous operation of the houses will be encouraged and activities with students who are living in similar subject-based houses at other universities will be held. In AY2023, AIU will create a database and report of the subject-based house project from the past 10 years.


Enrichment of world-standard curriculums

chart_enIn AY2014, AIU recruited Japan studies faculty and IT staff from across the world to prepare for the establishment of the Japan Studies Center and ICT Learning Studio in AY2015. In AY2016, flipped-classroom style MOOCs will be introduced, partners’ programs with partner universities will be promoted and internationally collaborative PBL programs will be offered. AIU will prepare an interim report in AY2017, and start modifying the curriculums and courses in line with the world standard from AY2018, and will examine the results of the modification of the curriculum and courses and revise the academic affairs system in AY2023.


Facilitation of English education reform in Japan

teachers_seminarAIU will begin offering the English Village program (study sessions for elementary, junior high school and high school students) regularly in AY2014 and Teachers’ Seminar (training sessions for elementary, junior high school and high school teachers) in AY2015.


Global benchmarking

benchmarkingIn AY2014, AIU launched a joint working group to conduct comparative surveys and create a survey plan with U.S. universities with which it will be conducting global benchmarking. Preliminary surveys and on-site surveys will be conducted in AY2015, results analyzed, the interim report on the results prepared and presented at faculty development sessions and workshops. Additional benchmarking partner schools will be sought in AY2018, with another interim report prepared by AY2020 and analyzed in AY2021. The final report on the global benchmarking and symposium will be prepared in AY2023.